Local landmark

Lone Sailor Memorial, Bluff Park, Long Beach, Los Angeles County

Lone Sailor Memorial

The Lone Sailor Statue, overlooking Long Beach Harbor from Bluff Park, is an exact replica of the bronze sculpture created by Stanley Bleifield in 1984 and installed at the United States Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C., in 1987.

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Pinewood Stairs, Hillcrest Park, Fullerton, Orange County

Pinewood Stairs

The oldest park in the city of Fullerton, Hillcrest Park, got a new feature in May, 2017, as part of a larger renovation project. The Pinewood Stairs connect Lions Field on the north side of the park with the highest peak of the main park.

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Post Brothers Plow, Westminster, Orange County

Post Brothers Plow

Here’s one literally from the record books. The world’s largest plow, manufactured by Charles R. “Hap” Post and Norman R. Post in 1937, is sitting in a small lot full of weeds on Brookhurst just north of McFadden in Westminster.

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