Highland Park Police Station, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County

Highland Park Police Station

City of Los Angeles Police Station No. 19 was built in Highland Park in 1925-26. It was built in the formal Renaissance Revival style which was once very common for governmental and other institutional buildings in Los Angeles. The station played an important role in the establishment and provision of police services in the area. Threatened by demolition after closing in 1983, it was designated a Los Angeles Historical Cultural Monument in January, 1984, and added to the National Register of Historic Places two months later. Ravaged by vandals, arson fires, and water damage, it was acquired by the Los Angeles Police Historical Society in 1994, renovated to its original condition and opened as the Los Angeles Police Museum in 2001. It is the city’s oldest surviving police station and the only precinct police station in California listed on the National Register.

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Los Angeles, Los Angeles County
Photographer: Lonny Ross