A.H. Beach House, Escondido, San Diego County

A.H. Beach House

The 2 1/2 story A.H. Beach House, also known as the Bergman House, is the most ornate and decorative Queen Anne in Escondido. Albert H. Beach was a real estate agent and representative of the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company. He purchased the property where the house is located in 1887 and he and his wife, Annie, moved into their new home in February 1896. Local stories indicate Beach may have lost the house and other real estate through over investment and the house passed through several hands starting with Henry Putnam in 1897. In 1968, the property was purchased by Virgil and Natalie Bergman. The Bergmans undertook the difficult project of restoring the mansion to its original splendor, while modernizing it to an extent that would make it appropriate for comfortable home life. The house is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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