Los Alamitos Fire Station, Los Alamitos, Orange County

Los Alamitos Fire Station

The township of Los Alamitos dates back to 1896. Acres of sugar beets and the first sugar refinery in Southern California brought growth, but an infestation wiped out the sugar beets and the 1929 Depression did in the refinery. Following Pearl Harbor, the U. S. Navy moved its training field for aircraft from Terminal Island to Los Alamitos. Its presence revitalized the town, bringing new settlers, businesses to the area and greater demand for public services. In the late 1940s, volunteer firemen began earning money to purchase the land for a new station and the County of Orange built the firehouse. The adobe building, built on the same model as many others throughout the county, was opened in March of 1948 and retired in 1973. The building was then given to the City for use by the area community and now serves as the Los Alamitos Museum.

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Los Alamitos, Orange County
Photographers: Dennis Barnes, Kurt Bayless

SoCal Landmarks teamed up with members of the Photographic Society of Orange County (PSOC) to document this landmark.