Arlington Branch Library and Fire Hall, Riverside, Riverside County

Arlington Branch Library and Fire Hall

In 1908, prominent regional architect Seeley L. Pillar designed the Arlington Branch Library and Fire Hall in the isolated Arlington suburb of Riverside in the Classical Revival style. The library has served its community continuously since opening in June, 1909, except for brief periods when repairs or remodeling work were being done. The fire hall at the back of the building served its original purpose until 1938, when a new fire hall was built two blocks away. Thereafter, the space was used for a variety of other civic purposes until it was integrated into the library in 1967-68. The Arlington Branch Library is the oldest library building in Riverside County and the last remaining Classical Revival style public building in Riverside. It is a City of Riverside Cultural Heritage Landmark and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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Riverside, Riverside County
Photographer: Al Russell

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Photographer: John Bare