Post Brothers Plow
Here’s one literally from the record books. The world’s largest plow, manufactured by Charles R. “Hap” Post and Norman R. Post in 1937, is sitting in a small lot full of weeds on Brookhurst just north of McFadden in Westminster. According to the City’s website, Westminster has deep agrarian roots dating back to the 1800s. The Post brothers built the plow to reclaim farmland ruined by large quantities of silt deposited by the flooding Santa Ana River and continued to serve that purpose the following year following worse flooding. At a rental rate of $100 per hour or per acre, the enormous carbon steel blade pulled Westminster’s famously rich topsoil back to the surface. The plow is 15 tons, 37 feet long and has a 86-inch blade. When in use, it was 12 feet high and 11 feet wide, pulled by multiple Caterpillar tractors.
Westminster, Orange County
Post Brothers Plow, Westminster, Orange County