SoCal Landmarks

SoCal Landmarks

A Photography Project

Harada House, Riverside, Riverside County

Harada House

According to the Riverside Museum, “The National Historic Landmark Harada House is a powerful civil rights landmark in California.” Jukichi Harada moved with his family to Riverside in 1905. They soon were operating a rooming house and the Washington Restaurant. Harada bought a house in a predominantly white neighborhood on Lemon Street in 1915. Aware of the 1913 California Alien Land Law prohibiting aliens from owning property, the purchase was made in the name of his three American-born children. He was pressured to sell his home and refused. The ensuing lawsuit resulted in the court affirming that Harada’s children were entitled to the guarantees of citizenship including ownership of the property. Being listed on the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s “11 Most Endangered Historic Places” has resulted in funding to start restoration work.

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Riverside, Riverside County
Photographer: Andrew Schmidt