Drum Barracks, Wilmington, Los Angeles County

Drum Barracks

To quote state and national resources, “Established in 1862, Drum Barracks [in Wilmington] became the United States military headquarters for Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico. It was a garrison, base for supplies and a terminus for camel pack trains operated by the Army until 1863. Abandoned in 1866, the site remains a landmark of the Civil War in California.” The buildings comprising the Military Headquarters were substantial wood frame structures, most of which no longer exist. They included a commanding officer’s quarters, adjutant’s office, two large barracks for soldiers, a hospital, guardhouse, laundry, commissary and a stone powder magazine. The officer’s quarters building survived in fair condition with only minor alterations, closely following its late Greek revival style and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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Wilmington, Los Angeles County
Photographer: Andrew Schmidt