Sherman Library and Gardens, Corona del Mar, Orange County

Sherman Library and Gardens

Between the library and the gardens of the Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar is a small building made of adobe bricks that Lawrence and Pauline Lushbaugh built in the late 1930s. When the Lushbaughs moved in 1947, they sold the house and land to Lincoln and Gladys Norman who established Norman’s Nursery on the property. Attracted by the nursery, businessman Arnold Haskell bought the property in 1956 for his Sherman Foundation, created to honor his mentor, Moses Hazeltine Sherman. The adobe house became the foundation’s office. As the foundation continued its philanthropic work, Haskell started to landscape the area outside the adobe office. By 1966 the Sherman Foundation was focusing all its efforts on building a cultural institution called the Sherman Library and Gardens. It was designated a County of Orange Historical Site in 2022.

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Corona del Mar, Orange County
Photographer: Andrew Schmidt