Pujol Schoolhouse, Temecula, Riverside County

Pujol Schoolhouse

In 1889, Mercedes Pujol donated land on which the city of Temecula constructed its first school building in what is now Old Town: a classic one-room, frontier-style schoolhouse. The building served the families of Temecula for over 25 years. until the community outgrew it. In 1915, a group of Temecula residents, led by Frieda Knott, repurposed the school house to serve as the only Protestant church in Temecula. From 1922-1982, Mrs. Knott held Sunday School services there and for years it was known as Mrs. Knott’s church. It was moved again in 1986 to its present site and is owned and operated by Reliance Church. It is listed on the Temecula Valley Historical Society’s list of Local Historical Locations.

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Temecula, Riverside County
Photographer: Jeanne Roberts