Felix Chevrolet, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County

Felix Chevrolet

The cartoon character of Felix the Cat, designed by Pat Sullivan, originated in 1919. Winslow B. Felix established Felix Chevrolet in Los Angeles in 1921. Pat and Winslow became friends, and since Winslow and the Cat had the same name, they decided to cross-market their brands. Felix the Cat and Felix Chevrolet grew up together in Los Angeles. Nickolas Shammas purchased Felix Chevrolet in 1957, at a time when the new freeway system was being built. He knew that visibility from the 110 Freeway was important so he commissioned a giant, three-sided neon sign to be erected at Felix Chevrolet. Aided by the iconic new sign, Felix Chevrolet became the largest Chevrolet dealership west of the Mississippi and is the oldest operating auto dealership in Los Angeles.

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Los Angeles, Los Angeles County
Photographer: John Bare