Wardholme Torrey Pine, Carpinteria, Santa Barbara County

Wardholme Torrey Pine

In 1888, local Carpinteria resident Judge Thomas Ward planted the seedling of a Torrey pine as part of a contest to see who could grow the largest tree. The Wardholme Torrey Pine now stands 126 feet tall, with a 130 foot spread and a more than 20 foot circumference, making it the largest known example of its kind. The Torrey pine is a rare tree found in San Diego County and certain parts of the southern California coast. In 1968 the towering tree was designated as the first official landmark of Carpinteria. The celebrity tree marked its 100th birthday in 1988 with a local celebration. In 2005, the pine found itself literally on the chopping block to make room for residential and commercial development. Resident petitions saved the record-setting giant.

Carpinteria, Santa Barbara County
Photographer: Andrew Schmidt