Bungalow Courts, San Diego, San Diego County

Bungalow Courts

Bungalow courts were developed throughout Southern California, including San Diego, primarily from 1920 to 1950 to offer residents an attractive, affordable cottage with its own yard, a central courtyard and neighborly orientation. In San Diego and throughout Southern California, the majority of bungalow courts were built along streetcar lines. Bungalow courts come in many architectural styles. The most common styles in San Diego are Spanish Revival and Arts and Crafts. The University Heights Historical Society has been working with City of San Diego Historic Preservation Planning staff and Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO) to identify and assess bungalow courts. A grant from the state Office of Historic Preservation has facilitated development of a bungalow court and garden apartment historic context statement.

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San Diego, San Diego County
Photographer: John Bare

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Photographer: John Bare