Hunt Branch Library, Fullerton, Orange County

Hunt Branch Library

The Hunt Branch Library served as one of two branches of the Fullerton Public Library from 1962 until 2013 when it was defunded by the City and closed. The mid-century modern facility was designed by renowned architect William Pereira and gifted to the City of Fullerton by the Norton Simon Foundation. Through the efforts of Save The Hunt Library, a group of Fullerton residents dedicated to keeping the library in the public realm, working with Fullerton Heritage and Arts OC, the library has been designated a Local Landmark and has been added to the National Register of Historic Places. A 2020 State Library grant and state funding in the 2021/2022 budget will cover reconstruction and renovations and start-up funding for cultural arts and library services.

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Fullerton, Orange County
Photographer: Andrew Schmidt

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Photographer: Andrew Schmidt