The Huntington, San Marino, Los Angeles County

The Huntington

In August 1919, Henry and Arabella Huntington signed a trust document that transformed their private estate into a public institution that would become the Huntington Library, Art Museum and Botanical Gardens in San Marino. The Huntington, as it is known, opened to visitors in 1928. The library is one of the world’s great independent research libraries, with some 11 million items spanning the 11th to 21st centuries. Two galleries house permanent art collections with special temporary exhibitions in a third. The property includes almost 120 acres of botanical gardens divided into more than a dozen themes including the Camellia Collection, Children’s Garden, Japanese Garden, Lily Ponds, Rose Garden, the Shakespeare Garden, and the Chinese Garden (Liu Fang Yuan).

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San Marino, Los Angeles County
Photographers: Lori Norman and Andrew Schmidt

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Photographer: Andrew Schmidt